Every cold call is different but...
They typically contain 3 key parts.
· PART 1
The first several seconds leverage neuroscience:
The subconscious brain constantly scans the environment for friends or foes.
It processes 11 million pieces of information per second.
Sights and sounds are processed faster than words.
Cold calls are unscheduled invasions of a prospect’s time.
Your prospect’s subconscious brain treats the call as a threat.
Tonality is critical to quickly comfort and trigger their Friend response.
The conscious brain lags the subconscious brain by 7 seconds
It only processes 40 pieces of information per second.
Use the 6 P's
1. Pattern Interrupt: Captures prospect’s attention.
2. Positive Awareness: First few seconds of the call is actually an Awareness Phase outbound marketing event. Use tone consistent with brand guide.
3. Positive Attention: Create friendly gap for their conscious brain to catch up.
4. Prospector Information: Confirms your identity mitigates foe response.
5. Prospect Information: Quickly confirm prospect's information.
6. Prospect Permission: Initiates the NICE process with permission to proceed.
· PART 2:
1. Purpose: Present pain points as threats to the prospect reengages prospect’s emotional, sympathetic nervous system increases their focus and memory of the discussion. Here again, the prospect responds to a threat. However, now the prospect and prospector are partnered in a story to fight a common threat.
2. Proof: Present benefits of your product and how it solves the prospect’s pain points with quantifiable evidence with social of success to increase trust.
· PART 3:
1. Personalization: Deepen engagement by personalizing the pain points encourages reciprocity and builds a collaborative, trusting relationship with helpful data for next meeting.
2. Proceed to Next Meeting: After the prospect elaborates on their specific pain points, propose follow-on meeting to learn more about the prospect’s pain points and state the value the prospect will receive and time the meeting will take. Asks for verbal commitment they will attend.
Ebbinghaus Curve: Humans forget 50% in one hour, 70% in 24 hours, and 90% is forgotten within a week. Schedule follow-on meeting within a week so they don't forget.
Ask for Referrals to fuel your pipeline.
Referrals have the highest conversion rate at ~50%+
Tony Gray, BDP
Author of the Business Development Body of Knowledge
Get your copy on Amazon today!
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