Cognitive Bias short circuits your prospect's buying decision.
Business Developers must never exploit Cognitive Bias.
Exploitation of cognitive bias is High-Pressure Sales.
In some situations, those tactics may be illegal.
You've seen them in movies like:
· Boiler Room
· Glengarry Glen Ross
· The Wolf of Wall Street
Exploitation diminishes or destroys trust and destroys growth.
One method is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
One NLP tactic is Mirroring, also called Syncopation.
Mirroring matches your prospect’s:
· Body positions
· Rate of speech
· Emotions
Mirroring naturally occurs when two people genuinely engage each other.
However, it can diminish or destroy trust if the prospect perceives mirroring as inauthentic or a deliberate manipulation.
Nearly 200 types of cognitive bias are known to exist.
Here are 39 most powerful for Business Developers.
With great power comes great responsibility.
Engage Empathetically...Never Exploit.
Tony Gray, BDP
Author of the Business Development Body of Knowledge
Get your copy on Amazon today!
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