BD Success = IQ + EQ
Narcissists need not apply.
Emotional Quotient (EQ) measures your level of Emotional Intelligence (EI).
Business Developers with EI training outperform peers by 9%.
I’ve seen narcissistic BD people.
I call them Wrecking Ball Rainmakers.
They destroy everyone and everything to win a deal.
They may win a few deals but, they ultimately lose.
Humans evolved as social creatures for survival.
Good luck surviving the wild without your tribe.
Predators always attack the estranged.
You could have the highest IQ in the tribe, but...
If the tribe loses trust with your low EQ…You’re done.
Emotional Quotient (EQ) measures the 5 Traits of EI.
Each fits perfectly with the 3 Ingredients of Trust.
Trust = Purpose + Empathy + Truth
EQ = Your ability to observe and regulate Trust
Here’s how it works with the Brand Trust Flywheel on Page 6 of the BD-BOK.
1. Motivation
Purpose shows your commitment to achieving shared goals. When others see your drive toward a common purpose, it reinforces trust.
2. Empathy
Understanding others’ emotions (Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fuse response) strengthens your ability to build trust. When you genuinely care about others’ needs, trust naturally follows.
3. Self-Awareness
Being Truthful about your own emotions helps you determine if your purpose is truthfully aligned with others.
4. Self-Regulation
Truthfully managing your emotions to align with others purpose.
5. Social Skills
Truthful words and deeds “virture signaling” displays your alignment with other's Purpose, Empathy, and Truth.
Narcissists lack Empathy and Truth in pursuit of their own Purpose, at the expense of others.
Narcissists need not apply for BD.
Tony Gray, BDP
Author of the Business Development Body of Knowledge
Get your copy on Amazon today!
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