Want to be a Business Developer?
Get ready for pain...a lot of it.
Rejection is processed in the same part of the brain as physical pain.
When you get rejected, it stimulates....
1. The Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) and the Anterior Insula.
2. Mu-Opioid Peptides Receptors (abbreviated MOP) in the brain’s Periaqueductal Gray (PAG) zone, the spinal cord, and the intestines that control the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS).
3. Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), your subconscious automatic Fight, Flight, or Freeze response.
Scientists believe it's an ancient survival response baked into our DNA.
Early humans survived in tribes mutually protecting each other.
Rejection from the tribe meant certain death.
• People with low pain sensitivity have high MOP production and feel less pain from rejection.
• People with High Self Esteem feel less pain from rejection.
• Taking painkillers reduces pain of rejection.
So, how much pain do BD people experience?
• Cold Calling = 6% meetings booked = 94% Rejection
• Warm Calling = 12% meetings booked = 88% Rejection
• Hot Calling = 50%+ conversion rate = <50% Rejection
Know the difference between Rejection and Objections...
• Objection = Prospect disagrees with you
• Rejection = Prospect disengages with you
Examples of Rejections...
• "This is a bad time"
• "Just email me your info"
• Slams the phone down on you
Rejections make you stupid!
Rejections have these negative side effects...
• IQ drops by 20%
• Analytical Reasoning drops by 30%
• ANS triggers Anger and Aggression leading to inflammation
• Jealousy, loneliness, shame, guilt, embarrassment, and anxiety
The brain cocktail of pain puts you in a bad mood.
Your prospects see it too and your numbers tank...
When scientists showed audiences pictures of sad and distressed faces, their Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) changed as if they were actually sad themselves.
So, how do you turn that frown upside down?
BD people swim in a sea of ice cold rejection.
How do you survive and thrive?
Tony Gray, BDP
Author of the Business Development Body of Knowledge
Get your copy on Amazon today!
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