This is what BD looks like under a microscope.
Your prospects are bombarded by ads.
So, what triggers their engagement?
Every organism on the planet...even the tiniest cell...has a biological imperative to survive and thrive.
When something new is encountered, it triggers the automatic Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fuse response.
This is what every organism on the planet's no different in the business world.
So, when you look at even the tiniest business deal, they all follow this natural process.
Here's how it happens...
1. Advertising "Threshold Effect"
Repetitive viewing of the brand helps reduce the probability a prospect might view the corporation as a threat to their business survival.
* 80% of consumers say brand familiarity makes them more likely to buy.
* Wall Street Journal Study found winning corporations twice as likely to be well known to the buyer.
Marketers often call this the Rule of Seven, stating, “it takes an average of seven impressions for a prospect to become familiar with a brand.”
2. Identification of Friend or Foe
If the prospect trusts the brand is not a threat, they may engage the corporation.
3. Fusion
The community environment sets the extrinsic conditions that compel engagement.
For example, a new industry trend may threaten the existence of a prospect’s business.
If your corporation provides a way for the prospect to survive and thrive, then the prospect engages with your brand.
Ths is your prospect's First Moment of Truth.
NERD ALERT!!! Fun Fact....
Environmental conditions are the ultimate driver of the survive and thrive response.
In other words, organisms are not predisposed to fight, flight, freeze, or fuse.
For example, in one environment, two different organisms may fight each other.
However, in a completely different environment, those same two organisms may fuse with one another.
1992 study by Dr. Bruce Lipton proved this concept...
1. The same stem cells were placed in three different petri dishes, each containing a different medium (environment).
2. Surprisingly, one petri dish grew muscle, another grew bone, and the final dish grew fat.
3. This study proved that the DNA of the stem cells did not predetermine the fusing growth. Rather, it was the environment that influenced their response.
This non-genetic response is called an “Epigenetic” response.
The more I study the science of Business Development...
The more I learn about cosmic nature.
We are all one.
Join me.
Tony Gray, BDP
Author of the Business Development Body of Knowledge
Get your copy on Amazon today!
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