What does a Chief Growth Officer do?
Here are CGO Responsibilities (Responsibility = personally accountable):
1. Prospect and Customer Communication
Directly communicate with prospects and customers. Coordinates CEO engagement with prospects and customers.
2. Personnel Management
Coach, manage, and incentivize the performance of the entire growth team.
3. Identification
Decide on pursuit of new markets or new opportunities within a target market.
4. BD value chain
Customer advocacy throughout the entire BD value chain.
5. Technology
Identifies and implements BD tech.
6. Operations
Alignment of Business Development Integration Activities to maximize customer experience.
7. Business Planning
Create Business Development Growth Model implementation plan for the corporation.
Here are the CGO Authorities (Authority = power to hold others accountable):
1. Marketing
Collaborates with the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) or directly controls the CMO to deliver content that maximizes prospect awareness across an entire market and intent across the entire BD value chain.
2. Sales
Collaborates with or directly controls the Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) to maximize the probability of conversions to meet revenue goals.
3. Pricing
Collaborates with or directly controls pricing leadership to optimize pricing to maximize awareness, intent, and conversion.
4. Contracting
Collaborates with or directly controls contract management to maximize conversion and efficiency of contracting operations.
5. Customer Development
Collaborates with COO or directly controls account management leadership to maximize positive customer perception.
6. Product Development
Collaborates with or directly controls the Chief Product Officer (CPO) to maximize prospect and customer perception of product quality and new requirements.
7. Corporate Development
Collaborates with or directly controls the Chief Development Officer (CDO) to identify, implement and integrate new markets of prospects and customers via mergers and acquisitions.
8. Community Development
Decides on and leads corporate partnering and ensures successful implementation and integration of partnerships.
9. Customer Experience
Collaborates with or directly controls the Chief Experience Officer (CXO) to identify and rectify decreasing customer perceptions of quality.
10. Personnel Management
Collaborates with HR to incentivize engagement of all business developers and business development enablers.
Tony Gray, BDP
P.S. learn more in the “Business Development Body of Knowledge (BD-BOK).” Get your copy of the BD-BOK on Amazon today!
Boost your BD career with the Business Development Professional (BDP) certification from the Global Business Development Association (GBDA).
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